Spinning heads and spinning wool

It would be completely wrong of me, not to mention wholly inaccurate,  to suggest in any way at all that my life is not a completely luxurious one, in which I can largely please myself 24/7. I am a lucky woman indeed. Bear that in mind as you read on – I am honestly not whingeing and whining.

I need me some me time!

Is it really only a week (sorry for the radio silence – but I have been nattering away on my photo blog and on Two Snails) since we committed to going travelling? So very much has happened and the time has clearly been elastic. I managed to put my foot in it with my FiL the other day, nattering away to him as though they knew all about our plans and were fully up to sped. What a shock it must have been. I feel truly bad about that.

Work on decluttering has continued. More Stuff has left the house. The bonfire that I mentioned last time was averted by finding somebody to repurpose the old duvets and pillows. My bedroom looks and feels so much lighter and airier now and I wish that I had done this years ago. I am not by nature a hoarder, just thrifty  and after so many years of being short on cash, everything has been stored against the day when it might be needed. The day did not come for so many items and it is good to let them go.

Ideas have come and go and morphed continuously day on day, sometimes hour by hour. I like to think that we are firming up on a few notions. Sadly every time that we reach a firm decision, further data creeps in and causes us to modify once more. Hour upon hour of googling and searching for RVs has left my head dizzy and full of mostly useless information.

I do believe that we are now fixed on wanting a small RV-type vehicle, with slideouts. Under 9 metres would be best and that is our goal. However, since we realised that we ought to be seeking a van rather than the van, spending less money now and reserving a pot until we are certain that full-timing is the lifestyle for us, we are finding that the cheaper offerings tend to be over the 9 metre/30 foot length. It’s not a deal breaker but a longer van would keep us off some sites.

Yesterday we agreed on the van of choice at this time. It’s over 9 metres. It is also in Whitstable! But it’s cheap and we like the layout. It is definitely a space that we could live in. Mr L rang up to ask a few questions and I put a price on Brunhilde (we even had a couple of enquiries in return but sadly both have gone quiet on us) and then we set about researching travel. and working out how to manage the four-legged contingent. It’s complicated and also very expensive.

Overnight we swung back to the “really ought to be under 9 metres) line of thought and I fear that we may be back to square one and also therefore not ready to sell Brunhilde.

I tell you, my head is just a maelstrom. I need some down time. I need to just sit and spin today or to do some knitting. I think I shall choose the spinning.

Minimal cooking today – I found some nice fish at the shop this week and plan to brew up some kind of a chowder. Tomorrow we are having the cheese fondue that I has hoped to have for Valentine’s Day  – the fuel packs for the fondue burner finally turned up yesterday (though much the worse for their journey.)

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