(not all) Beer and Skittles

It has been a quiet week, with nothing at all to report. Our Broadband connection remains very iffy – some things work fine, some work intermittently and others not at all. Mr L will brave the Help Desk at work on Monday but we shall not be holding our breath in hope of a fast recovery. Life was easier when we dealt directly with BT.

Pub Night #2
Pub Night #2
  • I was entirely wrong about Camera Club night being this week. It wasn’t at all. The competition results will be this coming Wednesday.
  • I am working on a plan for the Knitting Workshops and feel quite perky about it.
  • Storm Gertrude came to visit and we recorded our highest wind gust speed in over ten years – a whopping 94 mph. Thankfully just a single gust at that speed, which came with a passing hail squall – the normal high speed for the day being around 88 mph.  Mean speeds stayed well within a Force 10. We’ve had worse.
  • Friday’s boats were cancelled, as was today’s and we have advanced warning of expected cancellations on Monday – mail and fresh food supplies are suffering once more.
  • A little creativity is being called for at meal times. Tonight I had to make a side salad of grated carrots due to a dearth of green goodness. Dinner was Koftas, Halloumi, Israeli Couscous and the aforesaid salad of carrot, sultanas and pine nuts with a raspberry balsamic dressing. All strangely tasty. I feel quite satisfied. As the days pass it becomes more and more difficult to think of something  interesting to cook. I have not been to town since December 15th so my pantry options are very limited.
  • The parts for the sitting room stove that I ordered that day have still not arrived. We have weathered these storms without benefit of a fire to sit by.
  • Even if the parts come, we  may not be able to light a fire as Gertie took the chimney cowl off. Luckily we caught it before it took off for North Ronaldsay.
  • My knitting is suffering due to the Broadband hiccups. I normally knit in front of the “telly” but most days this week I have not been able to watch the iPlayer, hence no knitting
  • I have however managed one half of the border repeat. It is slow work but I anticipate that work will speed up once I have the thing under control. I am enjoying the way that the picot edge is forming – I have not knit a Picot border sideways on before. It’s fascinating
  • Pub Night #2 went well last night and I managed to hit the dartboard more often than not, winning two of our four games in the process. I even won one game of bar billiards!

pubnight (2 of 4)

  • We now wish to purchase a set of bar skittles.

pubnight (3 of 4)

  • I have signed up for a short course in Contemporary Drawing
  • and hope also to go to Tai Chi classes

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